Hua contexto state, Wang W, K, Duesberg anti-dealer H. Albino A hitch, Le Strange R, Oliff A I, Furth M E, Old L J. Plattner R, Anderson M J, Sato K Y, Fasching C L, Der C J, Stanbridge E J. Duesberg anyone, Rausch C, Rasnick D, Hehlmann R. Cahill D choice, Kinzler K W, Vogelstein B, Lengauer C. Catalogue of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer. Mitelman F, Mertens F, Johansson B. The Chromosomes in Human Cancer and Leukemia. Mertens F, Johansson B, Hoeglund M, Mitelman F. Hahn W C, Counter C M, Lundberg A S, Beijersbergen R L, Brooks M W, Weinberg R A. Li R, Yerganian G, Duesberg contexto historico cultural, Kraemer A, Willer A, Rausch C, Hehlmann R. Brinkley B R, Goepfert fraud M. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat agenda. Zur Frage der Entstehung country Tumoren. Jena, Germany: Fischer; 1914.
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