Tour Guide Requirements

Legal requirements

Guides must meet all legal requirements to give tours in their area. In some cases, this means a specific credential issued by an appropriate authority.


All guides must be competent to deliver the tours that they offer.

A tour is broadly defined as:

If a guide is interpreting the cultural or natural heritage of an area, they must have specific expertise in that area. In many cases, they will have credentials issued by a recognized tour guiding association or appropriate government body. Once verified, these credentials are sufficient proof of competence for initial acceptance of a guide.

If a guide is simply escorting travelers and offering local advice, such as 'how to cook a local meal' or 'nightlife of a city' they may be a passionate local person without any formal training in tour guiding. Guides offering this sort of tour must go through the approval process of interview and reference checking.

We will provide the guides profile with their qualifications as part of our recommendation and booking process.

Locals only

 All guides must be 'locals' - having lived in the area for a reasonable length of time.